Not so nice girls...
I have it all in my head but i don't know where to begin.Like always.Let's just start by saying that all dawned on me when i started speaking to Zoe the other day.She said you know what babes? Preity is such a nice girl, I am not so nice and she guffawed.Yes, not so nice girls laugh out loud.Maybe we are not the typical version of an expected role model of an Indian girl !! (Gimme a break from them anyday!)...
I was always taught to be independent , fair , humble.And yes I can vouch for that in myself and all the girls' today who are my friends and i actually relate to.We are those who are never sorry for decisions they have taken and do admit to mistakes they have committed.We believe it is a part of growing up.We are the types who wouldn't take anybody for a ride nor try to manipulate people to have their own way.We do it on our own and probably sometimes better than the way others might do it.We believe in thinking for ourselves.We are the types who miserably fail in making the right noises seeing other people's kids maybe because we are not such ardent fans of howling kids !People do not like us because we get competitive.When the competition gets tough , we might just get a little more tougher.And we are definitely not soft-spoken ! We speak our minds and fiercely stand for what we believe in.Submissiveness was not engineered into our genes.
Well whatever I have penned down till now might seem like some really mean people and I happen to be one of them and so are my friends?
But let me tell you about another side of these not so nice girls.
Their friends mean a lot to them.They treasure their friends because they have seen enough of the real bad world around them (and i emphasize on 'enough')to appreciate their friends.
They work hard , they fight fair and they fight square for what they believe they deserve without resorting to feminine charm or wiles.They fall in love yet they can accept a rejection with just another smile and say I will find my own destiny.They are not your typical damsel in distress and never would be.Maybe they won't laugh at your stupid jokes,but when you need cheer on a bleak wintry morning of life they will always be your friend.
So is that being not so nice?
~A,not so nice....