Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"What to do" ?

A two week sojourn...hmmm..I guess I am lacking inspiration. I am amazingly at a loss of ideas on what to write.I simply stare at the screen.So many things have been happening in the recent past yet I am unable to zero in on anything concrete to make it a nice piece to read.Let's see..Ya i know what I can write about ! I can write about my roomies who have been asking me to write so many testimonials or atleast a piece in my blog.Oh wait ! Still better maybe i can write on our trip to Six Flags where Fiona threw up on one of the crazy anti-gravity rides and missed an unsuspecting spectator below by inches when he ducked by giving one of those typically "matrix" acrobatic duck.Well maybe not.I still don't have the keys to the new apartment and i don't wanna be locked out by writing this.Maybe I should choose something safer.What about my employer?I have been working for her for about a month and while she has inspired me to pick up "Devil Wears Prada" ; I , on the other hand amazingly amazingly set her on an inspiration ride by my very presence.No! Hold on.I am not on an ego trip.The very moment she sees me she gets ideas on how to make me work more.Ab,could you please get the flyers made ? And yes, once when you finish could you please take care of this lamp?Yea right ! Some 100 years old smoke emitting lamp that needs water as its constant feed ! Gimme a break or I am gonna break that antique piece..Hmmppfff! Maybe i shouldn't go there either in my blog because i will end up with a never ending bitter tribute to my employer and i don't want to spend my emotions on her.Not a good idea ! Then what about the movie I watched yesterday ? Casablanca..A great romantic movie.A classic.And more than anything I fell in love with Humphrey Bogart.Well nah ! What's the use of cooing over a character when none exists in real life ? Forget Casablanca.Maybe i should write about the latest book i am reading.Murder at It is about a small village in Arkansas where computer revolution has recently invaded the place and a murder is about to take place(I am assuming 'coz I am still reading the book) in some website address ? Ahem..Doesnt sound too promising.What else is happening in my life ? Hmm what about the fact that i got my hair colored blond :-) ? Well not a good idea either to discuss since I have been reluctant to step out of home for the last 3 days and let's not discuss the success or the lack of it in this mission unaccomplished.
Oh ! Forget it..I just can't make up my mind and as a woman I have the prereogative of being fickle minded ;)..Not bad gal.Carry on ! Long live the gibberish !


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