Friday, May 08, 2009

My cup of poison..

The bitter caffeine hits my senses.It is terribly black and bitter.No sugar.Leaves a strong taste in my mouth.Yet I go on.I like the fact that it is so obnoxious in taste and yet I come back for more.Not only more but i desire it.It gives me a sense of happiness.The fact that it is so distasteful and yet that ugly mug of coffee holds my attention like nothing have.I am pretty much detached to everything around me.Yet this new obsession perks me up.I am amazed something can capture so much of my attention and I am pulled more into the cobweb of black desire.In some twisted way I feel awesome that I like something which is so not sugary and syrupy.Its on your face and I can take it.I love that feeling...The dark desire

~A, feeling the pull of the dark desire...

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