Sunday, January 09, 2011

After 3 years , I have stopped complaining about the cold.And it works.I don't feel so miserably cold in the winters anymore.I have started actually enjoying the winter.The most lovely part is the white blanket that covers up everything. The pretty little shops with decorations from c'mas still hanging and a whiff of white snow blanket covering them.Flakes of snow now and then sweeping across the city.People still dressed warm.And there is absolute beauty at night in the city.People hustling across to different events,friends sharing a drink or couples huddled over coffee whispering sweet nothings.Probably what gives me a warm feeling in the heart is that everybody is indoors all warm and cosy.It's winter and cold outside whereas it's warm and lovely inside.

~A ,glad to have made peace with winters forever....

1 comment:

S said...

Beautiful description!