Sunday, March 29, 2009

Green is my new blue..

I sometimes wonder how often do we change ? How often do we crave a change in wat we desire ? How often do we like our life to pick up a different pace ? I guess quite often.Only till a year back i would blindly say blue is my favorite color.And today anything that is green catches my eye.Its only a small thing.Maybe we don't even notice that things are changing within us and around us and actually tat newness is what we are always looking for.I sometimes think that the person I was may not have been the person I am now.I don't feel like the person I was 10 yrs back.People call it growing up.I almost feel like another person , another life whose memories I share.i have changed.Some for the good and some maybe not for so much good.Life becomes complex as the thought processes multithread and take various manifestations.But one thing I have realised : my kick for life remains in the change it brings.If life had remained the same for the last ten years I don't know what I would have done.I honestly do not.Life has been so far so good.And the best part has come from my friends .The frens I had made in the lifetime of the person I feel I don't identify with anymore.But these friends make me feel that whoever she was , was at the right place , right time doing the right kind of thing.I always say I am blessed for the friends I have.This weekend I had the most amazing weekend with Praba.We did not do anything crazy , we did not go wild but the fact that we could talk like school girls sharing excitement about life and tit bits which make us girls :) was so heavenly.Maybe my life right now is not the perfect life but like I always say I am miserably happy...

1 comment:

Chitra Sridhar said...

Nice ! Keep a it :)