Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Whatever happened or did not happen was for a reason.And I believe it is always for a good reason.No regrets.

~A , happy to look back...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Excerpts from "Garden State"...
Andrew Largeman: You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of a sudden even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is gone.
Sam: I still feel at home in my house.
Andrew Largeman: You'll see one day when you move out it just sort of happens one day and it's gone. You feel like you can never get it back. It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't even exist. Maybe it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't ever have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for your kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I don't know, but I miss the idea of it, you know. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people that miss the same imaginary place.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Can the cynic be on vacation for a day ?

Yesterday I saw the movie "Wake Up Sid".Indian Cinema coming of age I should say.Younger guy falling in love with an older woman and things actually working out in the end.
My friend CD and I are cynics.As we watched the movie together , ideally the situation should have been "This cannot work out".However for whatever cosmic karma I was feeling more like "Love comes to those who believe","Love knows no reason" (had chanced upon some Celine Dion songs the day before.Totally blame it on her !!)and I was glad that things actually worked out in the end.CD was grossly disappointed in me more than with the movie.She was like "You will return to the cynics club just like the prodigal son.You will.You will !!"
And trust me I did.The next morning I was back to analyzing and dissecting the movie.

Reel bite 1 : Girl's First day in Mumbai.Meets a great guy .Luck by chance.
Reality bite 1 : Happens with my girlfriends(It actually did ! And they are happily married :)).Never happens to me.

Reel bite 2 : You have an exotic name as Aish Banerjee.
Reality bite 2 : When you have a name as long as Abhilasha then people waste no time in shortening it to Abhi (which is more paly than anything exotic) and if you have a common surname as Sharma , you are as exotic as a wallflower.Bachan senior played so many roles as Vijay Sharma in the '70s that people are yet to recover from that hangover.

Reel bite 3 : Your boss is handsome and takes you to jazz clubs.
Reality bite 3 : That's true.Your boss is handsome.He takes his amazingly pretty girlfriend for all that jazz.And that hot girlfriend has a golden heart too ! Talk about cosmic cruelty !!

Reel bite 4 : Your boyfriend and his friends help you set up your new home and have amazing fun splashing colors on your walls.
Reality bite 4 : Any boyfriend you have (by that I mean any guy who is even your friend) find the most amazing places to hide and not help when it comes to relocating and setting up a new home.They are so lazy !! But are prompt to demand a house warming party.Just my luck I guess.

Reel bite 5: You don't have any skills yet you get hired for your hobby.
Reality bite 5: You work like a dog , juggle 2-3 interviews a day , get tortured by the HR of different companies who are trying to psychoanalyze you (mostly I think by the way they stare they are trying to figure out if you had appeared in America's Most Wanted) and then come home and try to resolve numerous issues.By the end of that you are half dead on your feet and brain to even remember your name , forget about hobby.

Reel bite 6 : Your internship turns into FT.
Reality bite 6 : Gimme a break !!

Reel bite 7 : Your mom loves the girl you are living with and totally believes you both are sharing a platonic relationship.She almost blesses you for taking in her son.
Reality bite 7 : If I were to live in with someone , my parents would disown me.And my dad would end the drama by saying - "I always knew you are the black sheep of the family".I always knew too.He told me a zillion times before , that's how.

Reel bite 8 : Guy is 7 yrs younger to you.Love finds a way and things work out.
Reality bite 8 : Guy gets petrified and takes the nearest fire exit out of the situation even though he is a minute younger to you.Nothing works out.He deletes you from his friends' list in Facebook(that's a big sentimental issue for most of our generation's folks !)

I could go on and on , the cynical me but somehow inspite of everything I liked the movie.Maybe I need to have the bar mitzvah of the cynics soon.Any cynic listening ?

~A , love the cynical me , such a lovely place to be ..

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Is this nirvana ?
Arrogance or peace?
~A, is she beyond everything or everything beyond her?